The winning artwork is entitled “Dream Journey to Art Exhibition” and depicts a young girl dreaming about going to an art exhibition. The girl is holding a painting brush and looking forward to seeing the paintings displayed on the walls. And the dream comes true in the reality, stay connected to see the interview and see her artistic skills – that will amaze you for sure.
We @9MoodOfficial had an exclusive interview with the artist Fanni Bacskó (@fannibacskoart) who created the stunning artwork on display at the biggest art exhibition in Amsterdam.
Yes, you heard it right, we had another interview with Fanni some time back. You can read the previous interview here.
Meet Hungarian artist Fanni Bacskó, who developed her skills with paintings for walls, drawing, Sketch, and creating beautiful art pieces.
Interview with Artist Fanni
We had a lovely conversation with the artist, and the way she was explaining her dreams and when it becomes true, the story of the journey is so inspiring to all the artists whether they are beginners, mediators, or experts!
"If You Can Dream It, You Can Do It!"
Here are the question-answers we enjoyed while our discussions.
What is worth knowing about the Art Exhibition in Amsterdam?
This is my first exhibition that is an NFT collection too. I'm grateful to be able to make it happen. This is a collection of 420-themed art. The items in this series also exist as NFTs - (Non-Fungible Tokens) - digital images from real-life acrylic paintings. It took a lot of preparation to make everything right. But it was worth it because the collection was already sold out in the first week.
You have a solo exhibition in Amsterdam. How many paintings are there?
Yes. The collection contains 14 paintings and can be visited for 2 months.
How long did you prepare for it?
Almost a year. But I also did a lot of other orders and projects during this time.
What was the inspiration for the collection?
The very first piece of this series was made in 2018, which was a real pioneer. Back then, I wasn't planning this to be a series, but the theme really got me. I just wanted to create something sassy, but with a subtle meaning only for the expert audience. I became aware how much this topic has to say, and how many stereotypes you can poke. And there were always new ideas in my mind. There were so many things I wanted to show, but I didn’t have enough time to manifest them. And in 2021 I began to work less on my other projects and started to focus on this art exhibition's requirements. It was amazing to see, how a piece of art manifests from an idea.
Were there any difficulties while creating?
For me, time is always a factor of difficulty. But I knew I can manage it. I could bring out what was in my mind to show it to the audience.
Which is your favorite piece of the series and what would like to tell about it?
I don’t have a favorite one, I mean I love them all equally, they are all a creation of my mind. Each one of them sends its own message, but they send one also as a collection. Art is priceless because everybody can interpret it in their own way. Therefore I don’t want to influence anyone, in the descriptions of the NFTs I only share my thoughts, the main points about how I see them, or what is worth knowing.
What is the best thing that you love about your work?
I love that I’m free.
What is the most inspirational location in your city? Which inspired you to make career with artistic skills?
It doesn’t depend on locations. What inspires me is my mood e.g. What I’m doing or what I see at the moment. Mostly feelings, people, and my plans are inspiring me. I know exactly what I would like to represent. I know what I would like to say through my paintings and artworks. It is very inspiring to be able to show it, in the exact way that it looks like in my mind.
(Interview questions - answers were to be continued below, let's see some of her artwork first)

Interview Continued...
What is your greatest achievement in work, if you can't say this exhibition?
One of paintings called BubbleGum was presented in New York in March 2021 at an online concert with an exhibition.
What is your greatest extravagance?
I’m cheerful, fast, and see (interpret) so many things in a completely different way than others.
Which living person/persons in your profession do you most admire?
Banksy. So sassy I like it.
What is your most treasured possession?
I don’t know, I love and appreciate my things, but I rather love my adventures and experiences.
What is the thing that You dislike the most in your work?
The mess
Did you face any fear before hopping into the art career?
Sure. Naturally.
What is your greatest fear?
To paint to myself. That my artworks would be collected in storage and no one would care about them.
If You could, what would you change or improve about yourself?
I should be more diligent.
Art Exhibition Moments

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