How Popular Apps Would Have Looked In The 1990s?

Meet 28 Years old artist and Graphic designer Luli Kibudi from Buenos Aires, Argentina, currently living in Barcelona...3 min

instagram was made in 1990

Luli Kibudi created the new series, “Once Appon a Time, ” where she depicts famous trending apps a few decades back and gives them a new retro look. This graphic designer has amazing artwork skills with her new Idea for 90s tech in this illustration series.

“Honestly, I just saw a picture of a Diskette on the internet and came up with the idea. I just thought ‘Oh, the iCloud of the old days.’ I was using my spare time stuck at home because of COVID-19 to work on new projects and I thought it would be fun to work on something like that! Once I figured out the main concept, I started thinking about all the other elements we used in my younger days and started connecting them with the apps we use today. I spent 3 days thinking about how to name the project, I wanted the name to have a twist of some sort, until I came up with ‘Once Appon a Time.’ So that’s basically how the idea popped into my head!” Luli said.

90s Tech – Take a look now!

In her project, Facebook becomes a long-forgotten photo album, Microsoft Word a retro typewriter, LinkedIn a newspaper’s job listing, and Gmail a physical letter. This series gives good nostalgia for old times when people used to search for jobs in newspapers, go to the nearest post office to send physical letters to one another, and have physical photos that they would keep in photo albums.

Sit back and enjoy the creativity by scrolling down 👇👇👇

[Source]: via Instagram

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  1. 1 Youtube ▶ 📺

    youtube was made in 1990

  2. 2 Wikipedia 📗

    wikipedia was made in 1990

  3. 3 WhatsApp 🤙📞

    whatsapp was made in 1990

  4. 4 Spotify 🎶🎵🎧

    spotify was made in 1990

  5. 5 Netflix and chill 🍿🍿🍿

    netflix was made in 1990

  6. 6 Instagram 📷📸🎞

    instagram was made in 1990

  7. 7 LinkedIn 📰

    linkedin was made in 1990

  8. 8 Microsoft word 📝

    microsoft word was made in 1990

  9. 9 Facebook 💏🤗

    facebook was made in 1990

  10. 10 Pinterest 🖼

    pinterest was made in 1990

  11. 11 Domestika 💰🎥

    domestika was made in 1990

  12. 12 Gmail ✉

    gmail was made in 1990

  13. 13 Slack 💻💬

    slack was made in 1990

Thank you for scrolling down, give your opinion about this creative idea to give a retro look to the trending apps. What do you think, what she will create next? - Guessed are most welcomed!

"Once Appon a time"

[Source] : via Instagram


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Hey Moodies, Kem chho ? - Majama? (Yeah, You guessed Right! I am from Gujarat, India) 25, Computer Engineer, Foodie, Gamer, Coder and may be a Traveller . > If I can’t, who else will? < You can reach out me by “Rakshitshah94” on 9MOodQuoraMediumGithubInstagramsnapchattwitter, Even you can also google it to see me. I am everywhere, But I am not God. Feel free to text me.


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