Happier Life: Many experts say that resolutions and the desire for change are lost quite quickly. If you want your list of resolutions not to be the same again as the last time you wanted a change because you didn’t put much into practice, you need to carefully set the small steps you need to follow. for the long road that leads to the desired destination.
Set to pieces what you have to do, don’t expect everything to happen all at once. Visualize exactly what you want, putting it on the fridge, on the desktop, on the mirror, or somewhere where you see daily pictures of a pleasant silhouette, a house or a car, a holiday destination, or a picture with the band whose concert you want to get.
Ask someone to support you in achieving your goals, even if only morally. Do not give up the first offense, but continue where you left off. Document yourself seriously, even if your desire seems utopian.
Find out the steps you should take to get what you want, and then strive to follow them. Do not look for excuses, as in our country this does not happen, you do not have financial possibilities or you lack certain knowledge. Look for solutions, such as putting the necessary money aside or attending classes. Behave as if you know for sure that you are about to get what you want and this will give you an attitude that will make the process easier.
Photo by Aziz Acharki on Unsplash
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This year will be a wellness one
Specialists consider it, especially since Greenery is a trendy color, according to Pantone, so you can take their suggestion seriously and you can try to introduce this color not only in your wardrobe or decor but especially in your diet. A healthy lifestyle means a good mood, energy, enviable fitness, a longer life, a healthier mind, and more creativity.
Less food, more exercise!
Not everyone appreciates going to the gym and no, not because they haven't tried, but because they just don't like this kind of action or movement in the community. You can do physical exercises only with the coach, if you can afford one, only with a good friend, if you have one available or alone, at home or outdoors.
If you don't like doing aerobics or fitness, you can approach other types of exercise. Try various other sports until you find the one or the ones that you enjoy.
A possible spinal problem, a pregnancy, or an illness like asthma, circulation problems, or a broken hand two months ago are no excuses, the specialists can recommend various types of personalized movement depending on your body, and the habits you have. You have your personality.
You can try tennis, squash, jogging, swimming, aqua gym, skating, dancing - even at the bar, the famous pole dancing or striptease is also a sport if you do it right. And dancing in the club or alone in the room is a movement, and walking in the park or the city or the shops and yes, even trying on clothes is still a movement.
It is important not to take refuge at home on the couch, on TV, with many snacks in front, considering that you deserve to rest after a hard day. If you value yourself, you will realize that you deserve even more health, take care of yourself. Any type of movement puts the blood in circulation, helps oxygenate, and brings the much-desired endorphins, removing any traces of stress.
Giving up toxic people
Surrounding us, so-called energy vampires may prove to be more difficult than we would expect. This is because they may include relatives, co-workers, or friends who have helped us over time. The solution is not to ignore them, nor to turn their backs on them permanently. Detach yourself easily if you see them every day, not giving them the same time that you put at their disposal until now.
When you're busy, everyone needs to understand that. Apologize, and take revenge occasionally, but don't offer your shoulder for crying and your brain for debating with anyone who wants to complain or criticize. If you want to help people who are with you and charge you negatively, give them motivation, not your time and health. The best motivation is not verbalized, as you might think, but that is provided by your example.
Get rid of a bad habit!
You smoke, you eat late at night or you have chaotic meals, you are sedentary, you do not sleep at night, you do not take care of your skin or teeth as they should, you bite your nails, you procrastinate, you are messy, you tend to let others make decisions for you, don't you travel as much as you would like, don't go outdoors every day, don't play any sports, don't have hobbies chosen voluntarily, not just because others have them close? Any of these bad habits can be defeated and turned into a benefit.
Learn something new!
You can learn to cook, for example, and not, a pizza recipe and a pancake recipe are not taken into account as if you already knew how to cook. Learn to make Italian specialties, for example, or light dishes for tapas, desserts that you like and find difficult, or various salads, and vegetable dressings.
The internet indeed allows us to cook almost anything with a video tutorial from various bloggers or even chefs, but it does not compare with learning from a book, with a good cook or a good housewife by the side of the book to give us valuable information.
It seems that one of the greatest satisfactions you can have when you eat bread made by your own hands, from A to Z. Kneaded, personalized, baked correctly, and in the end pride as something seemingly so simple, but which requires a complex process for perfection, it was made by you.
You can make rye bread, graham, bran, with seeds, or any option you think satisfies your desire to eat healthily. No, it can't be compared to the bread made by the bread machine. There the joy does not come from your work, only from the pleasant smell in the kitchen.
From the same register, you can learn to swim, a foreign language, methods to creatively decorate the interiors, or whatever you think you would like!
Make a diary!
It has a therapeutic function before socializing if we talk online. Nobody says you have to have unsuspected writing talents and you don't even have to like metaphors to be able to write. You don't have to do it for success or readers, but as a personal experience, to write what you like, what you don't like, what you want, what bothered you at a certain moment, and what you would like to do.
If you don't like writing at all, just save some pictures you like, such as Pinterest or a Tumblr account. It will be a visual diary of what you like or are inspired by.
A good deed a day improves karma, but also your general condition.
You can take a bowl of water to cats or dogs outside, you can buy bread and fruit for an old man, you can take food or clothes to your neighbor who is having a hard time with money, you can make small donations, you can call a colleague or someone difficult moments to give you moral support, you can donate blood, you can go even further by doing volunteer actions.
For any of these or for others that come to mind, you receive the tenth reward not only from the perspective of religious people but from any culture or philosophy.
Even if you do not win the lottery because you have done the norm of good deeds, you will see that you will feel useful, and happy, you will set a good example to others, and you will have, as the English say, a good vibe "and you will start smiling more often, you will have the feeling that you have less real reasons to be stressed when here, you have the opportunity to help in one way or another those around you, and if you do not necessarily empathize with people, you can participate in cleaning or reforestation and so help nature, or you can help raise funds for animals.
Everyone resonates with what they think is appropriate, but the good deed remains and takes effect no matter what cause you to direct it to.
The good deed mustn't be done for someone from whom you have subsequent expectations of satisfaction or contouring, but from the heart, for the sake of doing good.
Get out of the routine! Visit new places!
We live in a time when vacation means a maximum of a week or two in which we have everything paid for and arranged to the smallest detail in advance, and on return, we are more tired than on departure, although we waited all year for relaxation.
It seems like an unattainable dream to take the train or drive without a specific destination, just to visit unknown places. But you don't have to do that, although in time you will be able to wake up with such a desire for a weekend, for example, with a dear friend or loved one.
You can start exploring, however, the nearby spaces, with the way to the office or school, or better with the way back home, so as not to be late, choosing a different route than the usual one or another means of transport.
Visit your city, museums, historical sites, and places of entertainment, as if you were a tourist at home. If friends from abroad came to visit, where would you send them to take the pulse of the city?
Even if it seems boring and you have the impression that you already know well where you live, through the eyes of others it is seen completely and completely differently. All you have to do is change the angle of approach. Floor-standing trams, balloons with air - if you are not afraid of heights, places that offer beautiful panoramas, all these can change your perspective on your city.
Every year new terraces or restaurants, ice cream parlors, entertainment, or leisure spaces are opened. Try to tick at least one part, for the sake of experience. You will break the monotony!
These resolutions are in fact plans, desires, and things that we want to obtain, first of all from us and through us. We can do them at the beginning of the year, on our birthday, in moments of balance, when there are motivating moments or simply when we feel the need. It is important to know what we want and not to always postpone the actual action to get that.
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