Meet This Ball Pen Sketch Artist, His Creativity Will Blow Your Mind

Meet Jeet Singh - self taught portrait artist from Balliya, Uttar Pradesh, India. He creates ball pen portraits and pencil sketches with his amazing style. 4 min

carry minati - Ballpoint pen artist - ballpen artist - instagram @jeetsingh_art

Meet the ball pen sketch artist whose creativity will blow your mind. Discover his incredible and detailed artwork.

We @9MoodOfficial have an interview with Jeet Singh (@jeetsingh_art) and we asked about their creative artwork, For making a ball pen sketch is take too much time and of course good patience as well.  Jeet is pursuing B.Tech (In Computer science) from Ghaziabad, Uttar Pradesh. He added that “Drawing is my passion.” He draws portraits using graphite pencil, ballpoint pen, charcoal, colors..etc mostly He draws with charcoals.

For enjoying the moments of life, find your passion, Believe in yourself. This is the key to success.

We discussed the following question-answers, and hope that will inspire newbie artists too.

Q. What are the basic things needed for your projects/artwork?

1. Soft charcoal and graphite pencils
2. Willow and compressed charcoal sticks
3. Paintings and shading brushes
4. White jelly pen,mono & clay eraser, blending stumps

Q. Mention some tips to make the art piece awesome. What are the things you care about before starting the new work?

1. Observe the reference closly
2. Know the medium which are suitable for reference.
3. Measure and draw the outline perfectly

Q. What are your new thoughts on your next upcoming artwork?

For Upcoming art work (Regarding Ball Pen Sketch Artist), I will try to work on hyperrealistic drawing and also work on drawing tutorials for the newbie artists who can easily learn the things.

Q. How were you inspired by your work? Who are your inspiration and motivation?

I inspired from watching art and motivational videos on youtube. When I was in diploma first year my brother (ajeet singh) gifted me an android phone on my birthday.
After that, everyday I used to see the top artworks and practice them regularly. Now result of my practice is in front of you. My one of the best inspiritaion and motivation is Sandeep maheswari.

Credits: YoutubeInstagram

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Guess Who?

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Ajay Nagar AKA @carryminati

Virat Kohli

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Quick pen sketch of @virat.kohli

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Pen sketch of @sunil_lahri as lakshman ji in ramayana.

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Pen sketch of arun govil sir as "Ram" ( Ramayana )

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Roman Reigns - Ballpoint pen artist - ballpen artist - instagram @jeetsingh_art

Pen sketch of @romanreigns

art - Ballpoint pen artist - ballpen artist - instagram @jeetsingh_art

art - Ballpoint pen artist - ballpen artist - instagram @jeetsingh_art

Art piece made with Ball Pen + Watercolor

art - Ballpoint pen artist - ballpen artist - instagram @jeetsingh_art

art - Ballpoint pen artist - ballpen artist - instagram @jeetsingh_art

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artist - Ballpoint pen artist - ballpen artist - instagram @jeetsingh_art

artist - Ballpoint pen artist - ballpen artist - instagram @jeetsingh_art

artist - Ballpoint pen artist - ballpen artist - instagram @jeetsingh_art

Hope you enjoy his art work, please comment about your thoughts in below comment section.

Credits: YoutubeInstagram


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