How to Avoid WFH Burnout: Stay Active with These Simple Hacks

You must read this and follow few steps to stay healthy.9 min


Are you struggling with WFH burnout? – Discover practical tips to stay active, avoid burnout, boost productivity, and maintain health while working remotely.

Working on computers / Laptops may sound a bit like the foremost relaxed job on the planet, but it’s quite the opposite. Do you also sit in front of the computer all day?

It’s very tough on your body, which isn’t for this contemporary work. Sitting has long been known to cause back pain and negatively influence circulation, which may promote disorder.

Extensive use of the keyboard and mouse can cause stiffening of the muscles in your hands, arms, and neck and inflammation and injuries.

Working on a bright screen continuously for a long time might cause dry eyes, migraines, and headaches. Finally, computer work is often stressful, and isolating, and causes depression and anxiety.

In other words, performing on the PCs is as unhealthy employment as you’ll imagine. Let me show you what precisely the culprits are and the way you’ll avoid and fix them.

Sitting Kills You

Whether you are doing ahead of the PCs, the TV, or while reading a book, sitting for long stretches of time may be a very serious health risk! Sitting affects your blood circulation, your back experiences gentle stress, you’re more likely to drink and eat stuff that isn’t good for you, and you burn little or no calories, making it more likely that you simply overeat.
As a result, sitting contributes to several conditions, most notably weight, diabetes, heart conditions, cancer, and consequently a shortened lifetime.

How to fix it?

Sitting is perfectly good and normal. It’s just once you roll in the hay excessively that it turns into a serious health risk. So attempt to loosen it up and play with alternatives.

There may be a list of belongings you should do:

  • Take frequent breaks, a minimum of 5 minutes per hour.
  • Walk around and stretch during your breaks.
  • Get a standing desk and spend a part of your day working while standing upright.
  • Exercise before or after work.

Image by Author, made with MS Paint| Work from Home — WFH Fever

Bad Posture Causes Pain

Bad posture isn’t necessarily a consequence of sitting. you’ll develop bad posture from anything you are doing habitually, whether it’s sitting, standing, or walking.

Your daily activities have an impression on your body and shape your muscles; they either tighten or become weak.

the standard consequences related to bad posture while performing on the PCs are pain in the rear, shoulder, and neck, often resulting in tension headaches.

How to fix it? – avoid burnout

Do whatever is recommended above to combat sitting-related health issues and prospects, especially taking frequent breaks and stretching.

Self-massage your back and neck. Set up your monitor ergonomically; the highest edge should be at eye level, the display should be at arm’s length from your face and angled slightly backward.

Bring up an ergonomic office chair or maybe an exercise ball to support and strengthen your lower back parts.

Work on a healthy sitting posture; apparently leaning back is really best for your back.

Repetitive Movements Cause Injuries

Repetitive Strain Injury (RSI) is caused by continual physical movements that damage tendons, nerves, muscles, and other soft body tissues. this is often actually a severe sort of bad posture that the majority frequently affects the hands and results in Carpal Tunnel Syndrome.

How to fix it?

As above, take frequent breaks and stretch. Adjust your posture to scale back strain on your wrists. Consciously keep your hands and arms relaxed. Use little or no force once you use the mouse or keyboard. Make sure your hands are warm.

Staring At The Screen Causes Eye Strain – Avoid Burnout

Staring at a bright screen for hours can cause eye fatigue or eye strain, headaches, blurred vision, burning, itching, or tearing eyes, and temporary vision disorders. Fortunately, eye strain rarely leads to a permanent condition, and symptoms are often prevented or cured rather easily.

How to fix it?

Use a top-quality display of sufficient size. Avoid glare. Keep a minimum of one arm’s length between your eyes and your display. Keep blinking.

I recommend you to follow the 20/20/20 rule,

i.e. every 20 minutes, specialize in an object 20 feet (6 meters)away for 20 seconds.

Improve the lighting within the room, particularly by installing bias lighting. Use flux to automatically dim your display as your room gets darker

Emotional Pressure & Isolation Cause Anxiety & Depression

Computers are very efficient tools therein they assist us with getting more work wiped out in less time.

At an equivalent time, you spend less face-to-face time together with your colleagues, family, or friends. this will cause isolation, anxiety, and depression, i.e. both physical and psychological state issues.

The symptoms are manifold and may include tense muscles, back pain, headaches, poor sleep (insomnia), increased or flat breathing, quickened pulse, and usual signs of stress, depression, or anxiety.

How to fix it? – Avoid burnout

Breathe consciously.

In addition to stretching, choose a brisk walk or run up and down the steps to figure off stress levels.

During your frequent breaks, hunt down social interactions. Have meals with colleagues or friends.

Don’t forget to drink a lot of water. Plan for social activities after work.

Meditate before or after work. Exercise before or after work.

Cover Image Credits: Image by Author, Made with MS Paint and MS Powerpoint | Work from Home — WFH Fever

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